Muscle Testing vs. Hands-on Adjustments: Unveiling Them with Dr. Jose Vargas

Muscle Testing Hands-on Adjustments

Your body is a complex and intricate system, constantly communicating its needs and imbalances. Understanding these messages is key to optimal health and pain management. Two powerful tools used to decipher the body’s language are muscle testing and hands-on adjustments. But how do they differ, and which is right for you? Let’s dive in. By: […]

Body in Balance: Chiropractic, Kinesiology & Physio Together

Chiropractic Kinesiology Physiotherapy

The human body is a complex system, and sometimes achieving optimal health requires a multifaceted approach. At Quantum Integrative Care, we believe in offering a collaborative approach to healthcare. Utilizing the combined expertise of chiropractic care, kinesiology, and physiotherapy to create a personalized plan, for your specific needs and goals. By: Estefany Vasquez The Benefits […]